This is a survey for my Health assignment, so please take it seriously.
1. Rate your knowledge on organ donation: 1-10. 1 being nothing, 10 being everything.
2. What have you heard about organ donation?
3. Have you had an organ donation discussion with your family?
4. If yes, what was their response?
5. If no, how would you bring it up?
6. Do you know about the opt in opt out system?
7. In Australia, we have opt in, have you registered to donate? If no, why not?
8. How did you find out about organ donation?
9. Do you want to be an organ donor? If not why?
10. If one of your organs failed, would you want a lifesaving organ transplant?
11. If one of your family members passed away would you donate their organs without knowing their wishes?
12. How can you make our community more aware about organ donation?
P.S Opt in system is everyone is presumed that they don't want to donate so they have to opt in (countries like Aus, USA). In countries like Austria and Spain they have the Opt out system which means everyone is presumed to want to donate and they have to opt out if they don't want to.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.
Tink: I don't understand how question 2 is poorly written. It's a pretty simple question. The point of asking the survey on here was to get other people's opinions, people from diffent parts of the world and people that I don't know. I am taking my assignment seriously.