Please help me this credit card?

2013-10-22 4:31 am
I got approved for American Express credit card. My credit score is 733. I make 100,000 per year and I have made every payment on time and I never charge more than 15% of the credit limit and always pay it off in full each month. I am also 20. I got approved for the American Express blue cash credit card with a limit of $2,000 and 0% apr for 15 months but after that 20.99% apr??? After 61 days I am going to ask for 3X CRedit limit and then every 6 months ask for a credit limit hoping to get up to 25,000 credit limit in the next year or so. But why did they give me such a high APR what does that mean and if it's variable will they change it if I pay every payment on time,etc. so basically what I am asking is why did they give me such a high apr and what does that mean and why did they give me such a low credit limit and am I going to be able to increase it by a lot? I want to use this card as my main card!!

回答 (4)

2013-10-22 4:35 am
You are not going to get a limit increase every 6 months. It is also unlikely that you will build up to a $25K limit if you are only using a very small percentage of your current limit.

Oh .... I just noticed who asked this question. Well at least you've changed the question again. I notice your score and income have changed as well. Troll on.
2013-10-22 4:34 am
I'm curious as to how you make over a 100 grand a year at 20 years old??
參考: Something doesn't add up here.
2013-10-22 7:25 am
Kayla, this is getting old. My answers were as serious and direct as possible. You will not get any new ideas or answers.

Tell us what you are trying to buy for $75,000, and maybe we can help you from that angle. (Unless you are just bragging about your paycheck.)
2013-10-22 4:36 am
Because you are 20 and your credit history is short. Congrats on making over 100k though. To get your score higher, keep your balances between 1% and 30%, don't pay them off completely every month. This shows that you actually use the cards. Having a 0 balance when it's reported is as bad as having a 90% balance, go figure. 20.99% is pretty high, but it's a cash card which means you can take the whole balance as a cash advance if you want, the higher APR is their security that you MIGHT not, but if you did, you will pay for it. After you have about 5 years of credit history it will get better. Also, when you go over 760, it will be grade A, and then over 800, you can any card you want.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:03:15
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