
2013-10-22 7:54 am
If the plane mirror in the following diagram is rotated through an angle of 15°, the reflected ray would be rotated through an angle of
題目: http://www.flickr.com/photos/106157565@N07/10405262484/


回答 (2)

2013-10-23 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before rotation.

The angle between incident ray and reflected ray = 2θ

After rotation.

Angle of incident ray = (θ-15º)

The angle between incident ray and reflected ray = 2(θ-15º)
= 2θ - 30º

Therefore, the reflected ray would be rotated through an angle of 30º

2013-10-22 5:49 pm
it must be 30°

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