a few,a little,much,many.10!

2013-10-20 10:57 pm
我知much and many用在negative sentence ,
但是why 這句不用much?---
This car is expensive to run.It uses( a lot of )petrol.

所以怎樣定義NEGATIVE sentence ?

除了 only 一定用a few 外,有冇其他?

eg: Only( a few)

回答 (3)

2013-10-23 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Much - for uncountable noun i.e gasoling, milk, chocolate, sugar, oil, money

Many- many books, many bags, many cars, many chairs, many tables, many trees

除了 only不 一定用a few

only some
only a little

2013-10-21 3:41 pm

We use much and little with uncountable nouns:
much time / much luck / little energy / little money/

We use many and few with plural nouns:
many friends / many people / few cars / few countries

We use much/many especially in negative sentences and questions. A lot (of) is also possible:

• We didn't spend much money, (or We didn't spend a lot of money.)
• Do you know many people? (or Do you know a lot of people?)
• I don't go out much, (or I don't go out a lot.)

In positive sentences a lot (of) is more usual. Much is unusual in positive sentences in spoken English:
• We spent a lot of money, (not 'We spent much money')
• He goes out a lot. (not' He goes out much')

You can use many in positive sentences, but a lot (of) is more usual in spoken English:
• A lot of people (or Many people) drive too fast.
But note that we use too much and so much in positive sentences:
• We spent too much money.

Little and few (without 'a') are negative ideas (=not much / not many):
• We must be quick. There is little time. (=not much, not enough time)
• He isn't popular. He has few friends. (=not many, not enough friends)

You can say very little and very few:
• There is very little time.
• He has very few friends.

Put in much, many,few or little:

1. He isn't very popular. He has friends
2. Ann is very busy these days. She has free time.
3. Did you take photographs when you were on holidays?
4. I'm not very busy today. I haven't got to do.
5. The museum was very crowded. There were too people.
6. Most of the town is modern. There are old buildings.
7. The weather has been very dry recently. We've had rain.

a lot of can be used for countable and uncountabel nouns.

If you are patient and willing to spend time you can find a lot of useful information in the internet.
2013-10-20 11:12 pm
actually it doesnt really matter when U use these words...
perhaps you should type it clearer by giving some sentences to us!!!^~^

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