How to make compost more acidic?

2013-10-19 4:08 pm
Hello, I have just bought a Gaultheria or checker berry plant and I have looked up soil requirements, some say acid to neutral and some say very acid,I have planted it in acidic compost in a pot but wonder if it's acid enough,I have heard you can add vinegar to the compost to increase acidity has anyone tried this?any suggestions will be gratefully accepted.Thank you.

回答 (7)

2013-10-19 6:24 pm
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If you've got it in ericaceous or acid compost then it will be fine. What you can do is put a mulch of pine bark or needles round the plant. Pine will slowly release acid that won't harm the plant. Every few years you may find it necessary to repot the plant in fresh ericaceous compost.
2013-10-19 10:35 pm
Just add lots of oak leaves, or pine needles. That will acidify your compost. I used aluminum sulfate for my blueberry bed. That worked well also.
2015-03-16 4:43 pm
Compost is a simple concept. Don't make it so hard. For a starter set aside an area of about five foot by five foot. This can be your compost area. Compost bins are available at Ace Hardware. If not in the store someone there can order one for you. Or you can do it like mother nature and on the ground. Composting is the decay of natural materials. Usually, with man's help, in your case woman's help, faster. Cover the 5 x 5 area with 9 mil plastic. Then start your compost pile. Leaves, grass cuttings, weeds pulled, bad vegetables, Twigs in another pile. They take longer to decompose. Soak your concoction and cover it with black plastic. You should keep it moist and not completely drenched. The sun will actually cook it into decomposing rich soil in a few short weeks. As you add more stuff turn it to the bottom using a hard rake and or shovel. This helps decay faster and puts your mulch on top. There are several sites available on the world wide web. Just search or google compost.
2013-10-20 8:01 am
If you are looking to do it fast add ammonium sulfate it will lower the pH fast.

For future composting add pine needles, coffee grounds and oak leaves in what ever quantities of any you can get.I like to mow the pine needles as they compost faster the same with leaves.
2013-10-19 7:47 pm
By using ericaceous compost,the correct Ph balance will be assured.Vinegar in the form of acetic acid
will temporarily increse the acidity of the soil,but isn't a permanent solution.
參考: 60 years gardening experience.
2013-10-19 4:37 pm
Vinegar will make it more acidic, but it is very short lived.

Soil Sulfur is a better way to lower your ph.

But you should always know what the ph is of the soil you're trying to change. Don't make assumptions. Ph meters are cheap. Just get one, and see what you have there. It may be just fine.
2013-10-19 4:09 pm
Go to the gardem centre and you can buy acid feeder for v cheap!

The problem with vinegar is you have no real way of telling the strength

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