英文填充 希望各位高手可以幫一幫

2013-10-20 6:28 am
The Environment Protection Department ________ committed to _______ a pleasant and healthy living environment by providing a _______ of environmental services to _______ pollution and to conserve the environment. We have _____ many years _______ working to clearly define objectives _______ standards and these have been made ______ to the public in the form _______ air and water quality objectives , environmental planning standards, hazard and risk standards. This leaflet focuses _______ the more direct services we provide to the _______ . It tells you about the steps you can _______ if you want to _______ comments or suggestions on the services you receive from ________ or to complain about the _______ our services have been delivered. It also reports on _______ we have achieved by March 1997 and our plans to improve our service by March 1998.

We undertake to provide _______ efficient complaint and enquiry response service.

We undertake to investigate every complain ______ environmental pollution and inform the complainant _______ the results.

We undertake to provide information _______ air quality , water quality of beaches ______ details of prosecution of _____ through the news media on a regular ______.

We undertake to provide an efficient and effective waste management system. The strategic landfills are opened for disposal of _______ every day of the year ______ at least 10 hours each day.

We undertake to ensure that the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre will provide 24-hour _______ , and respond immediately to calls ________ any government emergency communications centre for urgent assistance to _______ with significant spillage of chemical waste.


回答 (1)

2013-10-20 9:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Environment Protection Department is committed to maintain a pleasant and healthy living environment by providing a number of environmental services to control pollution and to conserve the environment. We have spent many years in working to clearly define objectives and standards and these have been made known to the public in the form of air and water quality objectives , environmental planning standards, hazard and risk standards. This leaflet focuses on the more direct services we provide to the public . It tells you about the steps you can take if you want to make comments or suggestions on the services you receive from us or to complain about the way our services have been delivered. It also reports on what we have achieved by March 1997 and our plans to improve our service by March 1998.

We undertake to provide an efficient complaint and enquiry response service.

We undertake to investigate every complain about environmental pollution and inform the complainant of the results.

We undertake to provide information on air quality , water quality of beaches and details of prosecution of offenders through the news media on a regular basis.

We undertake to provide an efficient and effective waste management system. The strategic landfills are opened for disposal of refuse every day of the year for at least 10 hours each day.

We undertake to ensure that the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre will provide 24-hour service , and respond immediately to calls from any government emergency communications centre for urgent assistance to deal with significant spillage of chemical waste.
參考: My Past Learning

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:39:43
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