When Americans use Hitler as an example for not having gun control, do they look at slavery in the US too?

2013-10-18 3:44 pm
Okay, Hitler, some kind of gun control, then he killed loads of Jews. Without gun control the Jews would have fought back, WW2 would never have happened, Hitler would have died, right? (half a million people out of 67 million people)

So, why did the black people not rise up in the USA and stand up to their white oppressors when there were 4 million slaves in 1860 out of a population of 31.4 million. (so about 1/10 were slaves, compared to 1/134 for Jews in Germany) Surely the lack of gun control would have made it certain they would rise up.

回答 (19)

2013-10-18 3:49 pm
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They didn't have access to guns, and neither did Jews.

Dictators usually won't let the oppressed have weapons if they can help it.

But using this in the American context as an argument against gun control is beyond silly. Hitler was hardly a gun-grabber; he put more guns in Germans' hands than out of them. Incidentally, if you really want to make that comparison, what comes out is not really pretty for the people who try to make it: Hitler had no objection to whites ("Aryans") having guns - in fact, he insisted they should all have one. It's Jews he didn't like to see armed.
2013-10-18 3:47 pm
Wow, do you have a distorted view of historical facts.
2013-10-18 3:48 pm
Slaves didn't own guns...................
2013-10-18 3:47 pm
The slaves weren't allowed to own guns (or anything else), but the masters were allowed to own all the guns they wanted.

That isn't a gun issue, it is an unequal protection under the law issue.
2013-10-18 3:52 pm
No he didn't, the 1933 gun act, EXPANDED GUN USAGE to ALL Non-jews !

Apologise, sorry, caps off.
2013-10-18 3:57 pm
Except there was gun control. The oldest gun control legislation in America (even pre-dating independence) were laws that prohibited slaves from owning firearms.
2013-10-18 3:46 pm
Its seems they try and use Hitler to prove every point, whether its true or not. BTW, Hitler did not take guns away from the majority of the German peoples.
2013-10-18 3:49 pm
THERE WAS gun-control.
Blacks were forbidden arms except under their owners' supervision and whites went to prison for allowing unsupervised access.
2013-10-18 3:53 pm
Hitler weakened gun regulations, and actually encouraged gun ownership.

In addition to Hitler comparison, Tea-baggers also make inaccurate comparisons to socialism, fascism, marxism, muslim brotherhood, birth certificates, death panels, etc... It's all nonsense, but unfortunately, the Republican base today are nothing more than useful idiots for those who are willing to capitalize off of their ignorance, hate, and cowardice.
2013-10-19 1:03 pm
People will use any example that they feel will back their case.

FWIW, I haven't heard or read anybody claiming that existence of gun control caused the holocaust. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if there were.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
2013-10-19 4:41 am
There were attempted slave revolts minor normally but still. Slave holders ruled with an iron grip. There was no way to plan, fund, or even arm themselves.
2013-10-18 3:51 pm
According to them slavery was a Democratic thing. They do not know what Southern Democrats are.

The entire south is racist.
2013-10-18 4:49 pm
slaves weren't allowed to own guns and after they were freed gun control was used to keep Blacks from owning guns. Did you know MLK was denied a CCW?
參考: Black progunner
2013-10-18 4:03 pm
Hitler used propaganda against the Jews and communists much like the current administration and media use against conservatives now. The German people would have sided with Hitler because he convinced them the Jews and communists were not worthy to live. The rhetoric used against conservatives is getting to a dangerous level. The vitriol is frightening. Political leanings and religious beliefs are used against people in ways that cost them their jobs, get them audited which can lead to bankruptcy just in attorney fees, get them kicked out of school, closes their businesses, etc. This is how it started in Hitler's Germany. We are living in dangerous times.

It has occurred to me that if slaves would have had guns they would have never been captured and sold into slavery in their own homeland. They would never have been brought here or to any other nation.
2013-10-18 3:59 pm
It was illegal for slaves to have guns. 100% gun control.
2013-10-18 3:47 pm
Democrats used gun control to keep slaves in slavery. The National Rifle Association was founded to help former slaves retain their gun rights. The KKK was founded by democrats.
2013-10-18 3:58 pm
When people throw out gun control by Hitler, I think they imagine that at a point, German, not Jews, would have overthrown Hitler. I'm not sure of that at all. He had propagandized the regular people to where they believed in his plans. They didn't know Jews and others were being killed. You have to look at the context of the times and how people living in those conditions felt. I think Germans were tired of the poverty their nation endured after World War I.

Slaves were kept by relatively few people. Slaves relied on owners for everything. They were beaten into submission. If they fought back, they were killed or tortured. People get beat down. When we are weak, we do that which is necessary to survive. Slaves would run sometimes, and some made it to freedom, because many Americans hated slavery and would risk everything to help the runaways.
I don't think statistics matter in these cases. Slaves never used guns. Most German people did not use guns. They had been under the rule of royals for many generations. They did not have the background of personal freedoms and responsibility that had become the norm in America. Freed slaves have had a few generations of being free, but also being "kept in their place" by society. Germans, to, were "kept in place" by their class and social position.

One thing that set America apart from any other country except Canada, is that you were not stuck in the economic class you were born into. It was quite normal to raise your income level through work and education.
2013-10-19 4:49 am
Simply put, slavery was not as bad as the media make it out to be. The average slave cost about $1,000 adjusted for inflation. Can you see yourself going out & buying two PS4's and then just smashing them onto the sidewalk for no reason?

Because if you listen to the media's picture, that's essentially what slavery was like. I have toured the slaves quarters at Monticello where Thomas Jefferson lived & ultimately I say, the blacks of that time were better off than those of today.

Let that seep in. Back then the blacks had a strong family background, knew every aspect of useful skills be it blacksmithing, farming or cooking. At Monticello they even had their own lands that they could work in & sell their crops to the Jefferson household for cash.

Compare that to today where the vast majority of blacks are having unwed babies, no skills, and lives off the ETB or other government programs. You walk into a maternity ward & see a black baby, there is a 72.3% chance that baby will be going home to a unwed mother according to the US department of Health & Human Services.

Simply put, the blacks here didn't have a real reason to rebel like the Jews would have. But the point is, with guns rebelling is a option. Without guns, you have a significantly less chance of it.
2013-10-18 3:46 pm
ok, give me the evidence that the reason why EVERY SINGLE gunoqners want to keep their salves down LOL

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