
2013-10-19 2:03 am
喺maslow裡hierarchy of need 裡有冇得跳級?
我聽過好似有例外 有d人可以跳級咁滿足...
有咩方法可咁做 同埋有咩例子 謝謝!

由safety 跳到self esteem 或者self actualization的例子有冇? 或者由physio層跳至self actualization的

回答 (2)

2013-10-22 1:30 pm
The Hierarchy of Needs proposed by Maslow actually are not fixed, in terms of the number of levels, the types of needs and their orders.

Maybe your teacher misled by telling you "jumping across the levels". According to Maslow, people followed their OWN hierarchy level by level until they reached self-actualization. Yet, everyone has their own and most of them do not have the same order.

By the time they grow, the order and number of level alter. For instance I only wanted computer games when I was young (this would present I only needed food to survive and games to play, 2 levels only). But when I was a mid-age man, I wanted to become successful business man (to be "successful", requires various of needs in every ways and more than toys, money, reputation, respect, self-esteem and etc).

The number of levels and the order depend on how easy/complicated to achieve one's self-actualization. Some are simple, they only want to fill their stomach with food (people in war zone). But some have more to do to achieve their dreams (people who want to be successful, beautiful, rich etc).
參考: Psychology Research Assistant
2013-10-19 2:45 am
Maslow 自己都話其實個hierarchy 唔係咁rigid...
有D 人對physical need 唔需要咁多...
最明顯既例子係, 革命家, 佢地明知條路唔易行, 甚至犧牲性命, 佢地都選擇去做
仲有, 就係一D 和尚, 絕食 去達到更高既精神境界...

其實你應該諗, 佢個theory 漏左咩, 掂解解釋唔到呢班人...
有幾時會係啱, 幾時apply 唔到
究竟, 嘜野係needs, motivation 呢?
不過可能對你黎講 (我估你初接觸psycho 啦) 會難咗D

其實都唔係一言兩語講得哂... LOL

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