Smart people please answer?

2013-10-18 6:52 am
Okay so is just got approved for an American Express blue cash credit card for $2,000. I eventually want to work my credit line up to about $30,000 in the next year and I need your advice on how I should do it. Okay so I never spend more than 10% of the credit card limit and I always pay it off in full each month. But after 60 days I will ask for a credit limit increase to get to the high limit that I want so should I still only use 10% of the credit card limit before I ask for an increase? So for example since my credit limit now is 2,000 for the two months before I apply for credit increase should I only charge no more than 200 per month and pay it off in full each month or should I charge a little bit more than that so that they will give me a higher credit limit. I want to do what is best for my credit score and if want to do what I can to eventually get the highest credit limit possible. Please give me advice and don't say well you need income or this or that, I make enough income to support a high credit limit and I currently have a 736 credit score. Please give me advice on what I should spend each month to get the highest credit limit. Please I have been given many answers saying there's no way you can get a credit limit that big or this or that and that doesn't help me at all. I just need your answer on how much a should charge each month to get that high of a credit limit while also keeping great credit score

回答 (3)

2013-10-18 12:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're better off just saving your money and paying in cash for whatever it is you need so badly next year.
2013-10-20 10:20 am
Listen Up ; I work for Amex for decades . Credit limits are afforded thru proof of payment period the end . Yopu want to pay $ 200 out of a $ 2000 limit and want me to raise you to $ 30,000 ? Is this a joke ? Borrow $ 2000 , pay $ 2000 , borrow $ 5000 pay $ 5000 , borrow $ 7500 pay off $ 7500 . You don't go from $ 2000 to $ 30000 just because you have a 736 score . By the way , what is your 736 score ? Is it for a credit card ? Is it for a cell phone bill ? Call me when you charged over $ 20,000 in a year and paid it off before your bill arrived . That's what we want to see. You say you make enough income . Do you have 10 years at $ 100,000 each year , No ? Then you are not even close. Smarten up , and maybe we will raise your limit to $ 2100 .
參考: Common Sense
2013-10-18 3:19 pm
Charge 80% - 90% each month, and pay it off in full every month. Not carrying a balance forward helps your credit { i e in the eyes of Amex you are not struggling, and at risk of defaulting} and still, by paying in full every month, you incur no interest expense. Best of both worlds, and then Amex will think that if they give you a higher credit line, you will buy more, and eventually not pay in full, but rather pay them interest.
參考: my credit score is over 800, and I can get a new card whenever I apply.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:10:43
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