What should I do for this credit card?

2013-10-18 2:40 am
Okay so is just got approved for an American Express blue cash credit card for $2,000. I eventually want to work my credit line up to about $30,000 in the next year and I need your advice on how I should do it. Okay so I never spend more than 10% of the credit card limit and I always pay it off in full each month. But after 60 days I will ask for a credit limit increase to get to the high limit that I want so should I still only use 10% of the credit card limit before I ask for an increase? So for example since my credit limit now is 2,000 for the two months before I apply for credit increase should I only charge no more than 200 per month and pay it off in full each month or should I charge a little bit more than that so that they will give me a higher credit limit. I want to do what is best for my credit score and if want to do what I can to eventually get the highest credit limit possible. Please give me advice and don't say well you need income or this or that, I make enough income to support a high credit limit and I currently have a 736 credit score. Please give me advice on what I should spend each month to get the highest credit limit

回答 (4)

2013-10-18 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
It will probably take at least 7/10 years in order to get a limit at that level.If you own your home free and clear, you might be able to get a secured credit line from a bank. If you go in Friday, you should have your answer by next Tuesday
參考: Retired bill collector 35 years
2013-10-19 1:01 am
quit worrying about your utilization percentage monthly. charge what you can pay within that 25 day period in full when the next bill arrives. if you charge 1K, then pay the 1K within the next billing period in full. full payments is your key in this situation. percentages only apply when you are not paying in full monthly. you NEED TO FULLY PAY EACH MONTH. this is your increase key along with substantial earnings to warrant the increase in available amount.
參考: experience
2013-10-18 1:26 pm
Sorry, but I doubt that quick and high of a raise is even possible.

But if you want to try, you need to nearly max out the card, so that Amex thinks you are a big spender who will carry balances, and thus they will make money off of you (in the form of monthly interest). That is why cc raises are given. Only using 10% proves you do not need a credit limit increase.

Pay everything you can with your cc, including utilities*, all clothes, groceries, gas, medical expenses and drugs, vacations, etc. [ Not sure if cash advances would help. ] *For example, my cable company collects its payment by charging my card, then I pay off the card at my leisure.
2013-10-18 9:54 am
I'm not sure if it is possible 2k to 30k? I can't think of anything unless you have a co-signer on the card who has money and a great credit score.

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