WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2009(SVR2009) lowblow match?

2013-10-17 4:29 pm
why i can't find lowblow match in my SVR 2009 on pcsx2 ?
and how i can find it?

thx of "John Cena Fan 4 LiFe"answer, so,the "lowblow match" just a recruit of the character?


Edit: lowblow match I think is the game main list "create mode" be the video ,right?


I means "Lowblow match"just created by "new finisher"?


I'm sorry about my English is poor

回答 (3)

2013-10-17 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the reason why you couldn't find it, is because it's not on there which means it's not a real match in the game. when they say a lowblow match, they mean that you have to give your created superstar a lowblow move as your finisher, and then make a normal match. so a lowblow match is basically a normal match. you just have to perform a lowblow finisher on your opponent.

here is a video that shows you about the lowblow match. it's not actually a real match in the game. someone just made this match up for fun:


Edit: sorry, i'm alittle confused. what do you mean by the main list create mode be the video?

Edit: Yes
2013-10-17 8:00 pm
There's no low blow match fella
2013-10-17 5:45 pm
You can't find it because it's not on there

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