
2013-10-18 5:58 am
我有篇speech希望指教想大家幫忙修改,我篇speech係講從hobby-stamp collecting,我而家最後呢個point想改,因為我present要配合power point show photo比人睇,而我想show我d郵票比人睇,我想在 last point show十二生肖圖比人睇,但唔知點配合 last point的collecting stamps is because they tells me stories講,所以請幫手改改這段內容令我可以.show到相又講到point.(請作長d)

On the last point, I enjoy collecting stamps is because they tells me stories. Whenever I looked at a stamp which I bought it from overseas, it would evoke my fond memories in that country. That's why the stamps are so meaningful for me.



唔好意思,我諗住轉用鐡達尼號同奧運會講collecting stamps is because they tells me stories此段,請幫手作/改改這段內容,話佢地這班例子如何tells me stories.





回答 (2)

2013-10-19 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- Look at all that stamps that teach us about animals, sports, maps, cars,

ships, movie stars, royal figures, music, science and much much more.

- We can also learn about historical events, good news and sad news

such as the Titanic and the Olympic Games.

- A picture paints a thousand words. Now let us take a look at my Power

Point Presentation on images of stamps showing the Titanic and the

Olympics. Thank you.

-- You did not tell us what grade you are in and I try to write in very simple

English. Does it sound like something coming from a High School Student?

I am a little worried.

2013-10-18 7:59 pm
All these stamps are so meaningful which I brought all over from different countries since years.
參考: make it simple way in english use

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