give example of transaction

2013-10-18 5:25 am
1.debit in one asset and a credit in a liability
2.debit in one asset and no change in total assets
3.debit in one asset and a credit in owner's equity in one asset and a debit in a liability
Thx for answering
Thx for your helping !!

回答 (2)

2013-10-28 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
give example of transaction. It’s so easy. 1.debit in one asset and a credit in a liability Stock ………….$500 Accounts Payable…………$500 2.debit in one asset and no change in total assets Stock…………..$500 Petty Cash………………..$500 3.debit in one asset and a credit in owner's equity Bank a/c…………$500,000 Owner Current a/c…………$500,000 in one asset and a debit in a liability Accounts Payable…………$500 Bank a/c……………………..$500
參考: 小魚槍手
2013-10-18 6:54 am
Are you sure number 2 is possible?

2013-10-30 15:11:13 補充:
小魚槍手, then in number 2, it should be:
debit in one one asset
credit in one one asset
no change in total assets

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:00:23
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