
2013-10-18 2:58 am
本人是本年度的DSE學生, 但成績並不理想, 大概是344232 (18)根本不能入到香港的大學, 所以希望到加拿大升學.

1)加拿大有什麼Nursing, psychology好的大學?
4)有人認為某些agent不太可信, 有什麼可信的agent?


回答 (2)

2013-10-19 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為有部份問題比較專門 我只係答我識的問題啦!

2. 你可以去唔同機構舉辦的升學教育展睇下資料 每個攤位都睇下問下會拎到好多資料

3. 如果直入大學以你的成績只能讀較差的大學 如果讀大學銜接學位/community college就可以讀到較好的學校 不過就要再多花一年時間

4. 搵大間既信譽會較好

5. 下年9月入學 通常12月-2月陸續有唔同的教育展可以報名 所以你仲有時間可以睇多D資料

2013-10-20 10:57 am
成績:344232 (18)

1a) Nursing(Professional Program, need to finish undergrad program and get into Nursing school after): University of Toronto - BSci in Nursing , Mcgill University, UBC ,University of Windsor , Ryerson University

1b) Psychology: University of Toronto (Main Campus and Scarborough Campus), University of Waterloo, York University, Mcgill University, UBC

-University ranking site: http://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/university-subject-rankings/2013/psychology
- Ontario University info, used by all Ontario students and approved by all 21 universities in Ontario : http://www.electronicinfo.ca/
- University of Toronto Enrollment Service http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/admissions/
In University of Toronto Enrollment Service, you can check about the requirement needed for your program
Eg , for psychology, you need the following in University of Toronto

Life/Biological Sciences/Psychology programs are offered at all three University of Toronto campuses.

Admission Requirements:

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)
The completed diploma, including at least 2 elective subjects from Categories A and/or C. Subjects should include prerequisites for intended programs. No transfer credit will be awarded.

Mathematics Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) or Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) is required for programs with the Calculus prerequisite.

-OUAC website, Ontario University Application Centre: http://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/

3) University that required lower grade of admission.

4) Go to ask EF Educations, or Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong for more help

5)No, this is fine, the application period has been started, and deadline is the coming Jan 30,2014 for Ontario University Application, similar for other provinces, You will start your school year on next Sept.
參考: Personal Experience(Current Student in University of Toronto)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:45:59
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