A bad day!!! :'(

2013-10-18 1:52 am
If someone knows me,they must know that I'm not studying in a mainstream school!The whole story starts here..........
Well,I admit that my Maths is the best in class.But I feel nothing about it becuz I just do myself at school,and just Maths is my strength.I have some friends,they just sometimes play and laugh with me ,we can get along each one another quite well when in lower forms...but when we are all promoted to a new form,they seem like to boycott me by saying'wow,look at her,a genius in Maths!!! We should not show her anymore'!!! And then sometimes,they will go back to me and say,'wow,you are so great in Maths,can U teach me a few?' I am always willing to answer ,but it seems like that they will ignore me after I have answered them.This makes me really feeling sceptic on whether to answer them next time.During these few weeks,I get along with them better and we always hang out in schools.Well,I feel good BUT.....
Today,we have a visual art lesson,my drawings are not as good as theirs,and I tend not to take it out to let them see.......And one of my friends stole it and took it out for fun,she spread the rumour that I draw bad... HEY PLS !!! I am just not familiar with this topic!!! How come they treat me like this???

Am I being too kind ? Or should I be a bad person,that really frustrates me!!! :'(

回答 (1)

2013-10-18 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well,I don't know you(probably) and Maths is also one of my best-in-form subjects.I'm not sure about my Art but I certainly DON'T have the genes of being an artist.
So I think I'm may be younger than you but here are my advices:
You're not being too kind,I think it is just enough because you're being yourself.
If you try to be bad,a)your classmates/friends won't get used to it, b) it's weird to you,c)being bad won't make your classmates notice what they've done wrong,instead,you will be unhappy
In fact,we should always be good 'cause it's the only way to prove ourselves.Just be yourself.
Okay,so you're the good girl and your classmates who are "using" you are just being "cheap".It's THEIR loss,not you. You DON'T need to change yourself FOR THEM
plus,I remember years ago when I'm still p.6,my classmates treated me as invisible ,only except when I'm being their "teacher"
What you're going through now,is only a sort of "stepping stone" which lead you to a brighter future.Bad things always happens,you'll definitely over come them,trust me.
The obstacles are only a test from God.Like Maths,no matter how complicated the steps are,you'll finally get the right answers
So just be kind,full stop.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:45:24
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