F.1 math (4 cube to a solid)

2013-10-18 1:26 am
4 cube to a solid ??
There are 8 types of solid, what are they look like??
Pls help me !!
Quick!10 points!!

回答 (3)

2013-10-18 10:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please read:
(I also draw it from Microsoft Office Clip Art.)



2013-10-18 15:14:50 補充:
It is not hard to draw there since I remember there is a cube figure template.

BTW, I have seen the combination questions you have lost before.
I feel sorry for that because you had made your effort in analyzing the question.

Take care.


2013-10-20 04:01:41 補充:
Just Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, they have the clip art to draw common figures.

I joined some cubes together there~
2013-10-20 11:48 am
What program do you use this is amazing!!!!
2013-10-18 7:59 pm
good boy !

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