Does this sum up the Republican's attitudes to government?

2013-10-17 3:33 am

""We fought the good fight," Republican House Speaker John Boehner said in an interview with an Ohio radio station. "We just didn't win.""

The idea that it's all about winning, rather than actually about doing what is good for the people. This whole crisis cost the US about $24 billion, and seems to have been done by the Republicans just so they could "win".

Richard right: Yes, and there are even those who have answered this question in such a manner and don't understand the irony of it all.

回答 (13)

2013-10-17 6:52 am
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You are focusing on figures of speech rather than what the "prize" was supposed to be. The original goal was to kill Obamacare. That was a bridge to far and turned into making Obamacare a little more workable and accountable. This ultimately resulted in reinstating the income verification process for qualifying for an Obamacare subsidy. I believe the change CPI was allowed for Social Security, making it just a tad more affordable. Other stuff concerning the nation's debt got kicked down the road.

Just what do you consider "good for the people"? Simply letting the Democrats spend all they want and not say a word? Republicans have had to claw and scratch for every piece of fiscal responsibility they can get out of this administration. Now, this being said, all this was poorly played by Republicans. They need to better chose their targets.
2013-10-17 10:39 am
We had eight years of ignorant, debt increasing, murderous war mongering by Bush, who is now regarded as the fourth or fifth WORST president this country has ever had only to have to endure years of ignorant, debt increasing, self-aggrandizement by the Super Cons in the House.

I think that America may finally wake up from the ignorant, small minded ruin that Conservatives impose on America,.

They will be seen as one of the worst House's in American history.
2013-10-17 3:20 pm
I've watched this story from the UK and am gobsmacked that you have a system that allows some temperamental politicians hold the country to ransom over a law that has already passed. What a terribly backward method of democracy. The Republicans could have brought down the entire world economy with their idiotic posturing and the US public need to think long and hard as to if these 'people' truly represent your typical American. What a laughing stock and what a farce!
2013-10-17 10:43 am
He is just trying to put lipstick on a pig. The question is if they learned a lesson when the budget debate comes up.
@Richard right: It is because the Dems did win. The GOP gave it their best shot, then started throwing mud and their own congressmen under the bus and they still lost.
2013-10-17 10:36 am
They think that politics is a game. They have all of their followers fooled by thinking that they are really watching out for them, when in reality the only ones they really care about are themselves and the special interests that give them big bucks for their campaigns.
2013-10-17 10:36 am
Yes, we should bypass the idiots that keep saying "This is what the American people want" and Vote ourselves. Lets dump congress.
2013-10-17 10:36 am
Crazy never wins anything, but more crazies.
2013-10-17 10:36 am
Have you seen the dozens of Democrats on this board bragging that Dems "won"?
2013-10-17 10:37 am
Right on man. How dare they question Obama's domestic spying program.
2013-10-17 10:36 am
They listen to their far right constituents and not to the majority of people who just want to wake up in an America that runs properly.

Pretty sad that they had to resort to this to even get consideration for their proposals.
2013-10-17 10:38 am
True and so many "lost" because of them.Using "crisis" to govern,time they were fired and they should not be paid.Now ask your self how many of them bought stocks during the down turn and will profit from this "crisis".
2013-10-17 10:40 am
None of this would have happened if the pols hadn't saddled us and future generations with a $17 Trillion debt that will easily reach $50 Trillion.
2013-10-17 10:38 am
They got their a$$es kicked they just don't want to admit it I just had so much fun laughing at them they thought they were all big and bad trying to shut the government down . They remind of when people got their butts kicked and lie and say it didn't hurt . Now their like a dog with it;s tail between it's leg .
I found this comical

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