
2013-10-17 6:50 am
今天開咗戶, 攞咗卡&信, 但問漏咗d嘢

1.佢今天冇畀簿仔我, 幾時有?

2.若atm食卡, 要否收錢取回卡?

3.美國的戶口可否入錢入我個港幣儲蓄戶口? 要否收費?

many thanks

即係一個美國人用佢個美國的銀行戶口或信用卡入錢到我個港幣儲蓄戶口時, 恒生會收我和他的錢? 幾多%? 其實我想在google play賣apps, 想知點收外國客d錢, 及銀行收我幾多, 照理本地客應該唔使收費, google play好似只用信用卡支付的 many thanks


個網好似唔係咁講, 定係我理解錯了? it is important to me. https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/1169947?hl=zh-Hant&ref_topic=15867 many thanks


So, I can sell apps to local and foreign people, and receive HKD without charges from Hang Seng, right? 我以為銀行幫我轉外幣, 應該係google做


What is the reason of the charges from Hang Seng? 本地過數都收錢?

回答 (2)

2013-10-17 12:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It is a Statement Saving account. You won't get the passbook.

2. No.

3. Yes - through wire transfer. Yes.

2013-10-17 15:24:55 補充:
It is more complicated than you think.

Google Play is localized. So if you want to sell Apps in USD, you must have an account in the U.S. (Google will not wire the money for you).

You will have to wire the money yourself.

2013-10-17 15:25:02 補充:
Check with Google Android Developer Site and see what exactly you want to do first.

2013-10-18 02:37:42 補充:
You misunderstand.

In this case, you will be selling your App in HKD. Google Play will convert the amount for you when the App are sold in foreign currencies.

So there is no such problem in international wire transfer, but local wire.

2013-10-18 13:18:02 補充:
You will still get charged by Hang Seng, but in a lower rate.

2013-10-19 05:06:20 補充:
Local wire.
2013-10-17 7:24 pm
1. 現在大多數銀行都無薄仔的,只得提款咭,看收入,支出,都要看銀行寄給您的月結單。

2. ATM食咭,是不用收手續費的,不過要等一個星期才可收到全新的咭。

3. 除非是在美國匯款到香港的戶口就要收錢,否則本地往來存款或入錢都都不收費的。

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:25:58
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