Grammer 問題

2013-10-16 9:12 pm
What would you do to earn money "if all you had was" five "dol-lars" and two hours?

1)點解哩句入面既"if all you had was"唔用"if all you have is" or "if all you had"唔要個was
2)點解 "dol-lars" 要中間加一橫?

Each of fourteen teams received an envelope with five "dollars" of seed funding and "was told" they could spend as much time as they.......

3)上面既dollars 有一橫, 但下面哩句又無波
4)點解哩句唔咁講.....with five "dollars of seed funding and told they could spend...
5).....with five "dollars of seed funding and "tell" they could spend...


回答 (3)

2013-10-16 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What would you do to earn money "if all you had was" five "dol-lars" and two hours?

1)點解哩句入面既"if all you had was"唔用"if all you have is" or "if all you had"唔要個was因為意思是假設可能的情況/處境,問題是一種「假如」而不是表示如果…所以;英語中這類假設性的講/寫法的verb/動詞全用past tense/past participle,是清楚地顯示這些問題,甚至回答時亦是用past tense:If I had five dollars and two hours, I would sing at the pedestrian street at Mongkok with the five dollars in a hat hoping to earn money from listeners.
2)點解 "dol-lars" 要中間加一橫?

Each of fourteen teams received an envelope with five "dollars" of seed funding and "was told" they could spend as much time as they.......

3)上面既dollars 有一橫, 但下面哩句又無波
4)點解哩句唔咁講.....with five "dollars of seed funding and told they could spend...
was told是被動式 – 被告訴/被通知/被指示。這段是講述遊戲規則,隊伍是「被」主持的單位「指示」有關規則。雖然這主持的單位在這句中沒有名稱,但句子的內容已含意這活動是有人負責設定這些規則的。英語的被動式有時不需要講明是by誰的,只要那行動或動詞是由某人(個體)做在這句中的人士(這句是隊伍)便寫成被動詞式便可以了。
5).....with five "dollars of seed funding and "tell" they could spend...
咁講OK嗎?不ok!上題已解釋。寫tell變成主動詞…便必須要有主詞/主體tell這動作的人,句子tell…them的是誰呢?them是那十四隊伍,前句是說「有人」把一個信封交給他們[直譯是:有一個信封被交了給他們],沒有講是誰「交」;後句沿用這格式便是「他們(was told)被指示他們要做的是…」;假如改作tell便要在and 和tell之間指明誰是tell他們的人。例如:…and the organizer tells them that they could…當中不單是動詞改了,文法結構和句式在and前後都要改變才合句法;結果前句是a類句而後句是b類句,即是不能用and連埋,結果都係錯的句子組合,根本要重新改寫全部。
2013-10-25 8:01 am
都多謝你的解答, 但佢打咁長篇, 答左咁多題, 唔選佢又唔好意見,SORRY
2013-10-25 6:50 am
'all you had' is the subject, 'was' is the verb.
Use was because this is second conditional, an immaginery situation.

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