
2013-10-16 5:36 am
自知英文差,我有 writing 希望指教想大家幫忙修改(點改都好),但鑑於yahoo知識改版,我不能放文章上來!怕知識刪帖所以分開放!

求作修改這篇文格式contrast and comparison!!
topic:ebook and hand book

In the age of technology, the convenience of e-books makes it becomes a popular tools on both study and research for all ages of people. And it is gradually replacing the traditional books and paper works. However, will handbooks completely replaced by the e-books?

To begin with the benefits of using e-books, it is space saving. For Instance, e-books are thinner than most of the novels around three quarters. And e-books can stores more than a hundred of novels and thousand of paper work, which can fill up more than one bookshelf.


So it is saving space but storing lots. Another reason that people can benefit from using it is the carrying portability. E-books are light weigh and portable, which are lighter than most books but in a pocket sized.


For example, when it compare to a dictionary and hard cover books which is thick and heavy. It convinces people reading when traveling as well as taking bus. Also, it does not require much spaces and loads.


Other than the personal benefits on using it, e-books are more environmental friendly than traditional books. Using e-books, publisher just need to release a digital copy of the contents instead of print it on paper, which cutting hundreds thousands of trees.


Moreover, there is no transportation involved when publisher release their digital copy of books on the virtual bookstores, it greatly reduced the carbon emission on transporting.


Readers also can get the latest books in the e-books virtual bookstore without waiting the book shipping to the bookstore's bookshelf. Although there are many advantages using e-books, like space saving, environmental friendly, and so on. It also consists disadvantage.



回答 (5)

2013-10-16 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
hey Mimi,I strongly advise U to check about the grammatical mistakes first...after modal verbs can ...we usually dont add s ...and it should be in a pocket size..not size.Moreover,it should be “when it compares to”
perhaps you may think these cannot help U...but these are more important than writing the specified words...hope U understand la!!! :-D

2013-10-16 00:58:50 補充:
there are many advantages IN using the ebook

2013-10-16 01:00:12 補充:
it also consists OF disadvantageS.

2013-10-16 01:00:53 補充:
when publisher releaseS.

2013-10-16 01:01:54 補充:
instead of printing it......

2013-10-16 01:02:39 補充:
and also the other 1 about publisher..U can actually erite about the publishers...

2013-10-16 01:02:50 補充:

2013-10-16 20:14:39 補充:
it's pocket suze,not pocket sized

2013-10-16 20:14:50 補充:
get it,MIMI?
參考: from cheers Schoolgirl :-D
2013-10-23 1:56 am
well,I am informed by Kandy ar........I come very fast,right? ;;)
2013-10-23 1:55 am
strongly support Schoolgirl :-D Eunice will also come soon!!!
2013-10-16 4:22 pm
In the age of internect technology, the device of e-books has become a popular tool on both study and research for all ages. And it has gradually replacing the traditional books. However, will books be completely replaced by it?
As regarding the benefits, it is space saving. For instance, it is thinner around three quarters as compared with the books with same content inside. And it can store more than a hundred of novels and thousand of proses, which can fill up more than one bookshelf. So it is saving space but storing lots.
Another benefit is the portability. E-books is light weight and portable, which is lighter than most books but in pocket size. For example, when it compare to a dictionary and hard cover books which is thick and heavy. It let people reading while traveling or in transport vehicles. Also, it does not occupy much spaces and heavy loads.
Other than that, e-books are more environmental friendly than that of traditional books. Using e-books, publisher just need to release a digital copy of the contents instead of print it on paper, which cutting lots of trees.
Moreover, there is no transportation involved when publisher release the digital copy of contents, and greatly reduced the carbon emission on transporting.
Readers also can get the latest books from the e-books virtual bookstore without waiting for shipping from the bookstores.
Although there are many advantages using e-books, like space saving, environmental friendly, and so on. It also consists disadvantage.
參考: Myself
2013-10-16 11:42 am
In the technological era, the conveniences of e-books makeit a popular tool on both study and research for people of different ages. It is starting to replace the traditionalbooks gradually. However, will handbook becompletely replaced by the e-books?To begin with the benefits of using e-books, the firstadvantage is space-saving. For instance, e-books are thinner than most of thenovels around three quarters. They canstore more than hundreds of novels and thousands of paper works. Another reason that people can benefit fromusing it is the carrying portability. E-books are light-weighted and portablewhich makes them easy to carry around.For example, it can be pretty heavy when it comes todictionaries or encyclopedias. People can do their reading when traveling overseasor just MTR. Other than the personal benefits on using it, e-books aremore environmental friendly than traditional books. Using e-books, the publisher just need to release a digitalcopy of the contents instead of printing it out on papers.Moreover, there are no transportation costs involved whenpublisher release their digital copy of books versus to the virtual bookstores. It will greatly reduce the carbon emission whiletransporting to the physical bookstores.Readers also can get the latest books in the e-books format. They do not have to wait until the bookarrives on the bookshelves inside a bookstore.Although there are many advantages for using e-books as Imentioned above, it also have itsdisadvantages.

2013-10-16 03:43:02 補充:
I just help you out to correct the grammar. For the remaining words, please do your homework and I will edit it for you.

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