the gas volume calculations

2013-10-16 3:43 am
The decomposition of sodium azide, NaN3, takes place when an airbag,which is used as a safety feature in cars,inflates.An airbag requires a large volume of a cool gas to be produced in a few milliseconds.The gas is produced by the rapid decomposition of the sodium azide.

2NaN3(s) to form 2Na(l) + 3N2(g)
When the airbag is fully inflated, 54dm3 of nitrogen gas are produced.

a)Calculate the amount (in moles)of nitrogen gas produced.
(the molar volume of nitrogen gas under the conditions in the airbag is 20 dm3 mol-1)

b)Calculate the amount (in moles) of sodium azide, NaN3 , that would produce 54 dm3 of nitrogen gas.

c)Calculate the mass of sodium azide that would produce 54 dm3 of nitrogen gas.

回答 (1)

2013-10-16 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
a.No. of mole of N₂ = 54/20 = 2.7 mole

b.From the equation, 2 mole of NaN₃ produce 3 mole of N₂

No. of mole of NaN₃ required = 2.7X(2/3) = 1.8 mole.

c. mass of 1.8 mole of NaN₃ = 1.8X(23+14X3) = 117 g

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:08:30
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