2013-10-15 2:40 am
Hi which credit card company is most likely to give me a high credit limit??? Like which company is known for being lenient on giving credit limit and doesn't care much if you have high limits on 2 other cards? I have never made a payment late, I have a 736 credit score, I always stay under 10% of using credit card limit and always pay off in full each month. Which company will approve me for like $15,000 credit limit and that could be after 6 months when ask for credit limit increase. Please be specific and name which cards I should apply for which are most likely to approve people for high credit limit

回答 (1)

2013-10-15 4:23 am
Give it up Kayla !! The answer is NOBODY !! {But you could apply for 3 or 4 cards, and amass $15,000 worth of BUYING credit that way. [BORROWING, as in cash advances, would be half that amount, and a very expensive way to go. Ask your parents for a loan, or start a serious savings program.]

P S if you are only using 10% of your available credit now, the cc people may not see any reason to increase your limit. You are not a profitable customer to them.

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