中一數學-The no of terms

2013-10-15 6:57 am
之前測驗有一條數 : P = 3X^2 + 6XY - X^2 + 5
要找 the no of terms , 我答- ( 3x^2 , x^2) - 1 term
( 6xy) --- 1 term
(5 ) --- 1 term
= 3 terms -- 答對了的.

但以此概念再做課外書的 2 題數卻錯了, 這 2條問題及答案如下 :

Q1 : a -13 - 2ab + 6a . 答案是 : 4 terms
如我做--( a, 6a) ( -13 ) ( -2ab) = 3 terms

Q2 : 7a + 3ab - 6b - 6a - 5x 2ab + 7 . 答案是 : 6 terms
如我做- ( 7a,-6a) ( 3ab , -5x 2ab) (-6b) ( 7) = 4 terms

請教各方高手, 為何如此? 是否我取/分term 的方法錯了?? 正確方法應是如何呢 ??

回答 (3)

2013-10-15 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案


這個概念是關乎多項式 polynomials 的 like terms 和 unlike terms (中文我不知道叫什麼了)。

like terms 就是指可以相加相減得成一個term的數式,如 x², -3x², 0.2x² 這三個就是 like terms。

unlike terms 是指不能以相加相減得成一個term的數式,如 3x² 和 -4x³ 就是unlike terms。


你的角度: number of terms 指 number of unlike terms
測驗: number of terms 指 number of unlike terms
課外書: number of terms 指 number of all terms

所以,不是你取/分term 的方法錯了,而是用詞上的理解問題。


測驗題:P = 3x² + 6xy - x² + 5
There are 4 terms here.
However, 3x² and -x² are like terms, which they can be combined.
P = 2x² + 6xy + 5, it can be reduced to 3 (unlike) terms only.

Q1:a -13 - 2ab + 6a
There are 4 terms here.
However, a and 6a are like terms, which they can be combined.
a -13 - 2ab + 6a = -13 + 7a - 2ab, it can be reduced to 3 (unlike) terms only.

Q2:7a + 3ab - 6b - 6a - 5*2ab + 7.
There are 6 terms here.
However, 7a and -6a are like terms, which they can be combined.
Also, 3ab and -5*2 ab are like terms, which they can be combined.
7a + 3ab - 6b - 6a - 5*2ab + 7 = a - 7ab - 6b + 7,
it can be reduced to 4 (unlike) terms only.

2013-10-15 14:14:31 補充:


嚴格來說,我會把no of terms視作no of all terms(我明白跟你的測驗不同)。

x + x + x 這裏有三個terms(項目);
3x 這裏只有一個term。
我可以說 x+x+x 這個有三個terms的expression(表達式)可以化簡為 3x 這個只有一個term的expression。
2013-10-16 3:37 am
http://***** 這家不錯超3A品質,買幾次啦,跟真的一樣。
2013-10-15 8:22 am
actually are the answers in yr textbook wrong??I cant deduce such answers too.

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