Archimede principle question

2013-10-15 12:26 am
The density of a cubical metal box is 3500 kg/m3. If the side of the box is 1 m, determine its apparent weight when it is completely immersed in water of density 1000 kg/m3.

回答 (2)

2013-10-15 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Volume of box = (1 x 1 x1) m^3 = 1 m^3
Hence, volume of water displaced = 1 m^2
Weight of water displaced = 1 x 1000g N = 10 000 N
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, taken to be 10 m/s^2

By Archimedes' Principle, upthrust = weight of water displaced = 10 000 N

Weight of box = 1 x 3500g N = 35 000 N
Therefore, apparent weight of box = (35 000 - 10 000) N = 25 000 N
2013-10-15 12:47 am
Is it just a simple math ?

3500 kg - 1000 kg = 2500 kg

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