
2013-10-14 9:09 pm
老師要我用100字英文寫descriptive writing.是看圖作文,但我給不了圖你看,只可


The man is sitting in the library alone, reading a book in aquiet manner. Although he is the onlyone in the library, he pays undivided attention of reading the book. It seems the book is of tremendous importanceto him. He keeps his head down and caressing his chins. The world seems to be frozen during his reading process. The book from what I can see across his table. It is really thick and I wonder that how can he be so immersed into reading such a big volume. Every once in a while, I saw him scribbled a few notes inside the book, I think he is trying to get a full sense of what the story is about while learning his writing style simultaneously.

回答 (3)

2013-10-15 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
The man is sitting in a library alone, reading a book quietly. He is the only one in the deserted library and the book really holds his attention. It seems that the book is of tremendous importance to him. He holds his head down, rubbing his chin occasionally. The time seems to be frozen during his reading. From what I can see across his table is really a thick book. I wonder how he can be so much absorbed in such a big volume. The book must be a good read. Every once in a while, I see him scribbling down a few notes inside the book. I think he is trying to get a good grasp of the story while [practising (learning ?) his writing style] simultaneously.

deserted (adj.) = 無人的
chin 只有一個, singular, 通常是 rub (or stroke) the chin
I see him ~ 全文用開 present tense
volume = 【正式】書籍
absorbed (adj.) in = 全神貫注的
a good grasp of = 理解得很透徹
a good read (noun) = something that you enjoy reading

最後那句我不明白 leaning writing style 學習寫作風格, 字體?

At any way, I try to keep it simple. Hope that helps.

2013-10-15 02:25:52 補充:
如果不想用 good 兩次, 改
a delightful read 或者 a thorough grasp of
2013-10-14 11:29 pm
"I wonder that how can he be so immersed"


"I wonder that how he can be so immersed"
2013-10-14 9:51 pm
基本沒什麼問題, 文句很好。
參考: me

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