
2013-10-14 6:59 am

回答 (2)

2013-10-23 6:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 由於英國VAT好貴, 所以決定系香港買, 寄ipad到英國要收稅嗎?

>> 要睇下你係用咩黎寄, 如果就咁air mail parcel 既話, 去到英國royal mail 佢地會用parcel force 去幫你運個parcel, 而佢地每個parcel min. 要俾13gbp既. 如果你果件野係貴野的話, 個charge 會多d (佢地會見到你張申報表).

>> 而如果你係用速遞的話, 佢都會charge 收件者的, 但你可以expect 既係比起royal mail, 佢會再貴d.

>> 如果真係要係hk 買的話, 咁不如你番hk 果時先買, 咁會比較抵, 再唔係睇下有冇朋友番hk, 再叫佢地幫手拎番去英國, 咁會比較好同安全, 因為你就咁post 個ipad, 而唔用express mail 既話, 唔見左冇得賠的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk生活exp =]
2013-10-14 9:17 am
if you send by courier, i think the courier company will charge the receiptant for the British VAT.
This is based on my experience. When I was in Singapore, buying textbooks from Australia, I was exempted from Australian GST but charged by the courier for the Singoprean GST.

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