Probability Question about Uniform Distribution?

2013-10-13 6:49 am
Given Y = Log X

and X follows the uniform distribution from 1 to 10, what is Pr(Y > 0.6)?

I have calculated that


= Pr(Log X> 0.6)
= Pr ( X > 10^(0.6))
= Pr ( X > 3.98)

Is my answer correct ?

Actually, when X follows normal distribution, then Y also follows normal distribution right ?

but this time is Y = log x, I am really confused by if Y follows lognormal distribution or not ?

thx :)

回答 (2)

2013-10-14 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Forget about the Normal distribution for this one - X is uniform.

If X ranges from 1 to 10, then the PDF of X is f(x)=1/(10-1)
= 1/9

If Y = log X, then Y ranges from 0 to 1.

So pr(Y>0.6) translates to the pr(X>3.98) which you have correctly done.

So what is Pr(X>3.98) for the PDF given above ?
I'd expect it to be about 1 - (4-1)/(10-1) =
1 - 1/3 = 0.667

What distribution does Y have? If you're not studying "change of variable" technique, don't worry about it.
2015-04-30 4:10 pm
P(Y > t) = P(ln(X) > t ) = P(X > e^t) = (10 - e^t)/9, and for t = .6 , P(T > .6) = (10 - 1.8221)/9 = .9087

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