Credit card most likely to give high credit limit?

2013-10-13 5:28 am
Hi which credit card company is most likely to give me a high credit limit??? Like which company is known for being lenient on giving credit limit and doesn't care much if you have high limits on 2 other cards? I have never made a payment late, I have a 736 credit score, I always stay under 15% of using credit card limit. Which company will approve me for like $15,000

回答 (4)

2013-10-13 5:33 am
Yet another version of the same question? Well at least you're claiming the same score this time and dropped the amount considerably from the previous $80K and $35K.

Answer is STILL the same. It all depends on your creditworthiness -- combination of your credit report, employment history, and income. Some cards might be a little more lenient than others but it is highly unlikely that any new card will give you such a large limit. Most new cards will be $5K or less, even if you had 10 years worth of excellent credit and a high income.
2016-10-04 7:37 pm Care Credit
2013-10-13 7:05 am
Your credit score has nothing to do with the credit limit they will give you. They look at your income and your already existing lines of credit and how much of that you already used.

They will not give you a high limit to begin with because they don't know you. People with high limit cards usually had them for decades and their limit has been slowly increased over those years.

None of them are "stupid" and all of them are in business because they evaluate risk and don't hand out money to people they don't know yet.

The younger you are... the less likely you will get a high limit credit card. It just doesn't work that way.

If you need a credit card specializing in healthcare financing then try CareCredit.
Here is the link:
2013-10-13 6:03 am
That was possible back in the 60's but not in today's market. Banks and credit union got a lot smarter since then.
參考: Retired bill collector 35 years

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