F2 奧數 plz

2013-10-13 7:40 am
If a, b and c are side of triangle ABC, and


Find the area of triangle ABC.
Help, 最好有 steps.

回答 (5)

2013-10-14 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since x > 0, then x+ 1/x > = 2, then
b= 2a^2/(1+a^2)= 2a/(a+ 1/a) < = a
similarily, c=2b^2/(1+b^2) < = b, a=2c^2/(1+c^2) < = c
so b < = a < = c < = b, then a=b=c

2a^2/(1+a^2) = b= a, then a=1

the area of triangle ABC = sqrt(3) /4
2013-10-13 8:36 pm
可唔可以話看到 a=b=c?
2013-10-13 8:06 am
Can Heron's formula do something here.

2013-10-13 02:33:36 補充:
Sorry, 對 奧數 無甚認識,咁唔怪得要等啦!
2013-10-13 7:51 am
what is 彩虹?
2013-10-13 7:45 am

2013-10-13 01:34:43 補充:
但係中二應該未學 Heron's formula......

2013-10-13 02:39:07 補充:


2013-10-14 15:39:23 補充:
cas,呢個部份我則有能力幫幫你 (=^o^=)

For x > 0, √x is real.

(√x - 1/√x )² ≥ 0

x - 2√x (1/√x) + 1/x ≥ 0

x - 2 + 1/x ≥ 0

x + 1/x ≥ 2

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