descriptive writing (people

2013-10-13 6:53 am
求用100字英文寫descriptive writing (people).是看圖作文,但我show唔到圖比你睇,

這只是descriptive writing (people).所以只可以憑圖中內容創作,但真係唔知點作.請幫幫忙!我作完都唔夠字數.有咩可想像?求改改內容,好似好無聊!

A man was sitting in the library reading a novel quietly alone, although he is was the only one there, he still paid all his attention to reading for the novel seemed to be very interesting to him, so the man kept his head down and his hands holding the chin, intently reading the book, it's seemed even the stood still, he still would not stop reading.

回答 (2)

2013-10-14 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Here’s what I’d do: -describe the location (i.e: library) -describe the man (i.e: physical appearance) -describe what he’s doing (i.e: reading) (對不起但其實我不太懂什麼是'而雙手是抬著頭'…) Based on these concepts now, just try to write it with MUCHdetail as possible! I’ve written a sample/reference for you: A man sat on an old, dusty, wooden chair, covered with faintscratches all over it at the table which had many rough and sharp splinters inthe public library, floored with red-patterned carpeting. In here, theoccasional peaceful sound of pages turning could be heard. The man had an unshavedgreybeard, with wrinkles etched across his face and strands of his hair were neatlycombed to the back of the head. Sitting at the desk alone, the old man wasreading a book, resting his chin on his hands and the creases on his foreheadrevealed. Whilst he was reading, his eyebrows were raised, as if he wasconfused. (In the example, I assumed the man was an ‘old man’ becauseI don’t know what the age/looks of the man in the picture is.) Hope this helps!
2013-10-13 10:02 am
It was my description about a picture that I found along the street. And I saw a man was sitting in the library while reading a novel quietly alone, only he himself concentrated his attention to read the novel which seemed very interesting to him; then he kept lowering his head down and used both hands holding the chin while reading. It seemed as if he was trying to find out the result of inside story of the novel. From then on, I realized that picture was an advertisement of a boodstore in order to promote its sale.
參考: Myself

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