2013-10-13 6:09 am
1.bones /weak /can /hiking/ your /from /prevent /getting
2 of/lowers/your/exercise/disease/risk
3 avoid/drinks/and/were/sweets/if/you/l/l'd/energy

回答 (3)

2013-10-13 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Hiking can prevent your bones from getting weak.
意指: 行山可以防止骨骼變弱。
(hiking <--- 用咗 gerund, 將其動詞 + ing --> 變成一個像名詞的動詞)

2) Exercise lowers your risk of disease.
意指: 做運動都可以減低疾病。

3) If I were you, I'd avoid energy drinks and sweets.
意指: 如果我是你,我會避免飲運動飲品和食糖果。
(句子使用了 conditional sentence 2,
結構: if___(simple past tense)___, ____(would / could / might.. + verb)____.)

如果有咩唔明,可以send 去我 e-mail 或者留言在此,又可以留下你的e-mail, 我會再詳盡解釋。
Hope I can help you^^
參考: me^^
2013-10-14 9:41 pm
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2013-10-14 1:28 am
1) Hiking can prevent your bones from getting weak.

2) Exercise lowers your risk of disease.

3) If I were you, I'd avoid energy drinks and sweets.

technique for reorganise sentences is to find the suject, then verb and then object and the rest.

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