Would a true phophet of God ask you to send him money if you were broke with a negative balance?

2013-10-12 2:14 am
Also what are your thoughts on a "Christian" prophet asking you to send a few strands of your hair for a "point of contact" and $54 so he can intervene on your behalf.

回答 (16)

2013-10-12 9:18 am
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If a prophet tries to bring attention to himself or focuses on the Antichrist or the sensational, he is to be questioned.

"The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." (Revelation 19:10)

Over and over, the Word of God commands us to test all messages lest we be deceived and led astray. Paul urged the people of Berea to test everything he taught them, and they did so by "examining the Scriptures daily" to see whether what he was teaching was scriptural (Acts 17:10-11). Paul was an apostle! How much more so should we test everything we hear taught by the standard of the Word of God.

The tragedy is that most professing Christians today are incapable of testing anything because they are biblically ignorant. There is a famine of the Word in most churches today (Amos 8:11) as people are fed a diet of pop psychology and positive thinking.

If the prophet operates in a manner that makes it appear that his greatest interest is money, he is to be avoided.

"From the least even to the greatest, everyone is greedy for gain; from the prophet even to the priest, everyone practices deceit. And they heal the brokenness of the daughter of My people superficially, saying, "Peace, peace." But there is no peace." (Jeremiah 8:10-11)
2013-10-12 11:21 am
this guy is a fraud lol is this for real
2013-10-12 9:24 am
Doesn't sound right.
2013-10-12 9:16 am
Ye shall know them by their fruits..
參考: Matthew 7:16
2013-10-12 10:12 am
Yes, do you think God will tell this person your our financial conditions since giving one receives! The Jewish were asked to let the poor glean from the four corners of their field! They were honored for their obedience and had abundance! Giving to any ministry is up to the sender to investigate them! If they are real with God they will be real, unless some devil is attacking them, and they will be honest, but not get what they want to give!
2013-10-12 9:31 am
Sounds more like the majority of T.V. preachers, or maybe con artist, most time what is the difference?
2013-10-12 9:26 am
No to the absolute. A true Prophet would not have you send him money. Money in religion corrupts. In scripture it is referred to as filthy lucre.
2013-10-12 9:21 am
The person your talking about is a scam. You are correct, he is not a prophet of God. A prophet of God would not need to ask you for money or hair. This person may however be a practitioner of the black arts, so beware.

edit: Christian Sinner - what you are saying is essentially true, but if it was a prophet of God she wouldn't be having such reservations as God would be guiding her to him, and he would be able to prove himself to her before he proceeded to deliver the message.
2013-10-12 9:18 am
You are asking about something that is real; a leap of faith. We are supposed to share materially with the one who teaches us spiritual things. When we have less and we give, God sees it as giving more. Apparently we are not just supposed to give when it's comfortable.
2013-10-12 9:18 am
Run, do not walk , away as fast as you can...

2013-10-12 9:18 am
No! The Bible Says 10% of your Earnings. God doesn't want you to go broke!
2013-10-12 9:18 am
are you asking this question after reading this news the other day.
October 11, 2013, 4:31 pm

A pair of New York rabbis offered some unorthodox tactics - in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars - to help Jewish women obtain religious divorces from their uncooperative husbands, including kidnapping, torture with cattle prods and karate beatings, the FBI alleges.

In a bizarre plot, unveiled in a criminal complaint filed in the US federal court in Trenton, New Jersey, on Thursday, rabbis Mendel Epstein of Brooklyn and Martin Wolmark of Suffern, New York, and eight associates were charged with conspiracy to kidnap and coerce a person to consent to a divorce.

The plot unravelled in an elaborate sting operation in which an undercover agent sought the assistance of the rabbis in divorcing a man who purportedly lived in South America, had a residence in Florida and was a partner in the real estate business with her brother.

The ruse came crashing down on Wednesday evening as agents arrested the rabbis at their homes and Ariel Potash and a man identified only as Yaakov at a Middlesex County warehouse where the kidnapping victim allegedly was to be taken and beaten.

Agents also made six other arrests and executed search warrants at Yeshiva Shaarei Torah in Suffern and in Brooklyn.

Epstein and Wolmark allegedly charged Jewish women and their families tens of thousands of dollars to obtain religious divorces from their recalcitrant husbands by means of violence, the FBI said.
2013-10-12 9:18 am
Take this from some one who has gotten a education in Christian theology since first grade no it is utter bs. This sounds more like a stalker who also needs some money do not do this. If anything souns more occult the Christian
2013-10-12 9:17 am
Yes. With God all things are possible.
2013-10-12 9:17 am
Jesus said when they strand before me I will say away from me thou worker of iniquity., I never knew you.
2013-10-12 9:17 am
Don't listen to that. God doesn't require your hair or money. Just pray to God yourself. He hears you and knows your thoughts. He's just waiting for you to come to him. You don't need anyone to intervene on your behalf.

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