England A-level Biology and Psychology entrance exams?

2013-10-11 12:46 pm
I will be taking biology and psychology entrance exam papers in a few days for my year 12 and 13 studies in England next year. Since the syllabus in my country is quite different from the ones in the UK, I'm wondering if the biology entrance paper will be based on the gcse papers? I have asked my study agent about it, and she says it is totally fine if I am not studying the gcse syllabus, as long as I am reviewing what I have learnt in the past. Is it really ok if I am not studying the gcse biology for my entrance exam? I barely have any more time to study extra materials.
Also, this is my first time taking psychology exam and i have no experience at it before. I was told that the psychology entrance exam will only test my thinking ability, but not the actual things we generally learn in lessons, so I don't have to prepare anything for it. I am a nervous person so apparently I am not trusting her completely, plus I don't even have the vaguest idea of how it is going to be.
If anyone has taken A-level biology and psychology entrance exams before, please unravel my confusion and tell me what I should expect. It would help a lot.Thanks!

回答 (1)

2013-10-11 2:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The point of an entrance exam is to check whether or not you have the ability to do the course you hope to take. If you do not in fact have the skills or thinking abilities, then it would be pointless to do extra studying just for the sake of the exam, as you would forget them all quickly - and last-minute studying doesn't help you to learn anything.

GCSE biology is quite general, so you have probably studied most of the same material anyway. You could read through some online resources to see the topics - obviously A-level biology builds on what was learned in GCSE so if you haven't covered some of the topics, you would need to do extra studying (if you're accepted into the course) anyway.

As for psychology, I'm sure your advisor knows what she's talking about. If you are capable of doing the A-level, then you should be fine in the exam.

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