英文Conditional Sentences用法

2013-10-11 7:00 pm
我的學校英文課教Conditional Sentences,不過我不明白Conditional Sentences的用法.
●Conditional Sentences是不是有四種?
●Conditional Sentences有那幾種?
●Conditional Sentences如何用?
●用Conditional Sentences時,在句子的動詞、名詞、副詞、形容詞等等會不會改變?
●做Conditional Sentences要注意甚麼呢?

回答 (4)

2013-10-12 3:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
conditional sentence 中文是條件句。

conditional sentence 有四種,分別是 0, 1, 2, 3。

conditional sentence 0
e.g. If I heat the ice, it melts.
意指: 如果我燒或者弄熱個冰,它會溶。

由於這是一個常識,是事實,必然會發生,所以動詞會係 simple present tense.
而當中,個兩句句子 (If I heat the ice 和 it melts) ,呢兩句個動詞係 simple present tense (heat 和 melt 冇用到其他tense,而是用 simple present tense e.g. melt --> melts)

即是是被動句,亦是用 simple present tense.
e.g. If the ice is heated, it melts.
意指: 如果個冰被燒或者弄熱,它會溶。

"is heated" 都是 simple present tense, 不過你見到的 heated, 由於被動句的形式係: verb to be (is/am/are) + p.p (動詞第三種形式),所以具體來說,兩邊句子用 simple present tense 是沒錯的。

所以 conditional sentence 0 個句子結構係:
if ___(simple present tense)____,_____(simple present tense)______.

conditional sentence 1
e.g. If my boyfriend invites me to be his partner, I will go with him to the party.
意指: 如果我男朋友邀請我做佢嘅舞伴,我會跟他一起參加個派對。

由於我男朋友邀請我去跳舞,即使我答應,可能會因為一定緊急事而唔去,所以即使我會去嘅機會率好大,但唔代表我"一定"可以抽到空去,存在一啲未知嘅可能性。不過,大多數,呢啲句子,較為普通嘅,都會用sentence 1。

另外,因為呢個唔係一個絕對,唔係事實,常識等,所以佢會係第一個句子( If my boyfriend invites me to be his partner) 用simple present tense (invite --> invites) , 而後面個句子( I will go with him to the party) 就用 future tense (go --> will go)。順帶一提,表示將來的不一定是 will, 可以是 is going to 等的字,不過is going to 會發生的機會大大過 will 。

所以 conditional sentence 1 嘅句子結構係:
If ___(simple present tense)___, ____(simple future tense)___.

conditional sentence 2
e.g. If I won the six marks, I would travel around the world.
意指: 如果我中了六合彩,我會去環遊世界。

我相信即使我每日都去買六合彩,我都唔會中頭獎吧... 所以一看,這是不可能的事,不是不會發生,而是發生的機會是0.00000000001% 吧... 所以呢啲一睇就知冇可能,又有啲誇張嘅,現實唔多會發生嘅就用 conditional sentence 2。

從上面就可以知,因為發生的機會唔大,所以我咃會將第一個句子 ( If I won the six marks) 嘅動詞用past tense (win --> won),而第二個句子( I would travel around the world) 嘅動詞會用 would / could / might... + verb (travel --> would travel)

If ___ (simple past tense)___, ____ (would / could / might ... +verb) ____.

2013-10-11 20:10:00 補充:
sorry, 佢唔卑我繼續打...
若果你唔介意,可以給我你的 e-mail 嗎? 方便我解釋埋conditional sentence 3 和一些要注意的事項。
參考: me^^
2013-10-12 3:45 am

Type 0
about facts
If (simple presnt) , (simple presnt).
e.g. If ice is put under sunshine, it melts.

Type 1
possible things
If (simple present) , (simple future).
e.g. If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.

Type 2
If (simple past), (would + verb).
e.g. If I were you, I would study hard.

Type 3
thing happen in the past 馬後炮
If (past future) , (would have + verb in p.p. form)
e.g. If I had taken a taxi, I would have arrived.
2013-10-12 1:14 pm
Conditional sentence 3
IF + past perfect,…, . would have + past participle

談論過去可能發生, 但事實上沒有發生的事, 條件那句 (If-clause)用過去完成式時態 (past perfect), 主句用 would have, could have, should have, 或 might have + p.p.
If she had proposed to me, I would have accepted him.

Thanks, Jo.

2013-10-12 05:17:23 補充:
If HE had proposed to me, I would have accepted him.

I'm daydreaming!
2013-10-13 1:48 am
conditional sentences既意思系條件句



if i become a pilot,i will fly plane.

if......呢句系條件子句(conditional clause),姐系話自己唔能夠成爲一句句子。

而逗號後面既句子系主句(main clause),自己能夠獨立成爲一句句子。
參考: 自己

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