measured more accurately

2013-10-11 9:51 am
George and Jenny measured the weight of an orange separately. George's result was 232.4 g correct to the nearest 0.1g. Jenny's result was 233g correct to 3 significant figures. a) Whose measurement is within a percentage error of 0.1%? b) Who measured more accurately?

回答 (2)

2013-10-11 10:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
George and Jenny measured the weight of an orange separately. George's result was 232.4 g correct to the nearest 0.1g. Jenny's result was 233g correct to 3 significant figures.
(a) Whose measurement is within a percentage error of 0.1%?
(b) Who measured more accurately?

George: 232.4 g (correct to the nearest 0.1g)
Maximum absolute error = 0.1/2 = 0.05 g
Percentage error = 0.05/232.4 *100% = 0.02151463%

Jenny: 233 g (correct to 3 significant figures)
Maximum absolute error = 1/2 = 0.5 g
Percentage error = 0.5/233 *100% = 0.214592275%

Therefore, George's measurement is within a percentage error of 0.1%.

George's measurement has a smaller percentage error so George measured more accurately.
2013-10-11 9:23 pm

Masterijk :

只是好奇的一問 :

Maximum absolute error = 0.1/2 = 0.05 g

中,為什麼是 0.1/2

2013-10-11 13:33:12 補充:
Sorry, Please forget it.

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