English question - urgent

2013-10-10 9:50 pm
Which of the following sentences is correct, please let me know and correct it accordingly.

"She did not smoke or drink alcohol."

"She did not smoke nor drink alcohol."

Thanks a lot for your help!

回答 (2)

2013-10-10 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"She did not smoke nor drink alcohol." --- correct
* not 配 nor, mean 既不XX,也不XX.

"She did not smoke or drink alcohol." --- wrong
I think the meaing should be corrected as:
She did smoke and drink alcohol.
2013-10-10 11:23 pm
Gramma and technically,

She did not smoke or drink alcohol.
is correct.

She did not smoke nor drink alcohol.
tried to adpot a neither...nor logic but because it is not.
It is not wrong, but unusual in modern English.

She neither smoke or drink alcohol.
But this is stating the facts, not describing her behaviour in the past(past tense).

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