Does having gray hair mean you are aging ?

2013-10-09 4:06 pm
I have read online that it is. I'am 26 and i have little tiny bit on the side . Like 6 pieces. How is it a sign of aging ? I have seen people younger than me that have very little too that you can barely see ?

回答 (6)

2013-10-09 4:11 pm
Most in my dads family were totally grey by twenty. A friend of mine is 78 and has not a single grey - much of it is hereditary.
2013-10-09 4:17 pm
It's only a sign of aging in that you almost always get more gray hair the older you get. However, there are no known correlations suggesting that people who have gray hair in their twenties are aging prematurely. Unfortunately, there's not much definitive information about what causes graying to start, especially prematurely.

The source below offers the possibility that premature gray hair may be the result of a vitamin deficiency.
2013-10-09 4:12 pm
Mostly yes, but sometimes its your genetic.
But you don't worry about it, LOVE yourself, and the grey hair will not be a problem anymore.
2013-10-09 4:12 pm
the only alternative the getting older is dieing
2013-10-09 4:07 pm
Everybody is aging
2013-10-09 4:07 pm

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