Help me please omg :'(?

2013-10-08 7:27 pm
Basically, we have injections at school tomorrow and during the past few days I've felt super sick. I'm not really that nervous about it to be honest, so it's not the thought that's making me sick. Just over the past few days though, I feel like my food hasn't settled, I've felt nauseous, and really hot. Also, my throat's been hurting and I feel like I have bits stuck in it if you know what I mean. I feel like my food is going to come up from my stomach and I've hated it. :( I was reading this booklet they gave us on having the jabs and it said if you have a cold/fever do not take this injection as it could make the fever worse or something. Now I am **** scared because although this doesn't sound like a big deal, I'm meeting a celebrity this weekend and have this party planned and stuff and I've been looking forward to it for months. Also, I'm like prone to fainting and I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, I feel light headed a lot and it said if I get the injection and it made my fever worse, some of the symptoms are dizziness, lightheadedness and stuff. Omg I'm crying can somebody please just tell me if I should get it tomorrow or what to do if I feel sick tomorrow??? Please help :'(

And I put this in the cancer section because the injection is against cancer so yeah

回答 (4)

2013-10-08 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are too sick to get the shot, you will be too sick to go to your event.
2013-10-09 6:31 am
It is not an injection against cancer, it is a vaccination against certain types of virus.

Tell the person giving the vaccinations that you have been unwell and are uncertain and they will check for fever and advise if you should go ahead at this time.

Sounds like you are making a big deal about a relatively minor thing.

Even babies have vaccinations with less fuss than you are making.

Anyone too unwell for a vaccination should not be attending any events.

Add: anyone who puts OMG in their health related question is identifying themselves as an hysterical, overreacting teenager.
2013-10-09 5:09 am
No such thing as cancer injections. HPV vaccine maybe. I actually did not have my daughters get it. It doesn't prevent cancer. The best prevention is your yearly pap smear.
2013-10-09 2:38 am
If you feel sick then you cant get the jab or else it wont work on your body as the bad bacteria in your body will kill the anaesthetic stuff in the stuff they inject into you to help protect against cancer.
At the moment im sick and i have the exact same symptoms it could've been an allergic reaction to something but i dont know you could just have the flu or something( i think i have the flu)
Theres nothing you could really do about it except rest and drink lots of water to try and kill all the bad bacteria.
I hope this helps and i hope you get well soon.
參考: 15 Year old girl(me),my knowledge,cadet first aider and experience in nursing

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