thx for your help!MATHS

2013-10-09 6:45 am
Andrew deposits a sum of money in a bank for 1 year. If the interest rate is increased from 4% p.a. to 4.5% p.a., he will get an additional simple interest of $80. Find the principal that Andrew deposited.

ONE MORE QUESTION. ......................................... Connie invests $P in a bank at a simple interest rate of 6% p.a. How long will it take for Connie to receive an amount of $1.5P ?

回答 (3)

2013-10-09 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Interest for 4% p.a. = (P)(4/100) = 0.04P

Interest for 4.5% p.a. = (P)(4.5/100) = 0.045P

0.045P - 0.04P = 80

0.005P = 80

P = 16000

2. Interest = (P)(6/100) = 0.06P

after n years, interest = n(0.06P) = 1.5P

0.06n = 1.5

n = 25

2013-10-09 01:29:07 補充:
Masterijk : 睇你發表的意見,得益不小。多謝,多謝。
2013-10-10 4:45 am

2013-10-12 10:38:50 補充:
2013-10-09 8:11 am
你的發問標題可以考慮使用「Math Questions about Interest Rate」

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