How to solve (x)(x)-9x+14 ?

2013-10-09 6:24 am
How to solve (x)(x)-9x+14 ?

回答 (3)

2013-10-09 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 2
1 7

1X1 = 1
2X7 = 14


X² - 9X + 14
= (X - 2)(X - 7)

2013-10-09 01:18:19 補充:
請參考 Masterijk 在意見中的解說 : 抄錄如下 :

I want to clarify a point.

You can only SOLVE an equation or an inequality or a problem.

You cannot solve an expression.

Maybe you should ask how to FACTORIZE the expression.

2013-10-09 01:25:14 補充:
意思是說 : X² - 9X + 14 是一個表述式(expression)而不是一個方程(Equation),因此,只可以做因式分解(FACTORIZE),不能 solve。


X² - 9X + 14 = (X - 2)(X - 7)

而不能 說 : X = 2 或 X = 7

但 X² - 9X + 14 = 0 則是一個方程,它可以求解(solve),結果會是

X² - 9X + 14 = (X - 2)(X - 7) = 0 ; X = 2 或 X = 7


2013-10-09 01:29:50 補充:
Masterijk : 睇你發表的意見,得益不小。多謝,多謝。
2013-10-10 5:11 am
If X =12...

=12 -9*12+14




If X=13...




(ANS) X -9*X+14
=X -9X+14


D - 唔駛理 (因為我部腦有D問題...)
參考: no
2013-10-09 8:39 am
I want to clarify a point.

You can only SOLVE an equation or an inequality or a problem.

You cannot solve an expression.

Maybe you should ask how to FACTORIZE the expression.

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