of saying that

2013-10-08 5:09 pm
Speaking on RTHK’s Letter to Hong Kong, Mr Lee accused the Chief Executive, C Y Leung, of saying that poverty could not be completely eradicated.

我想問上文of saying that點解要加個of, 如果單是saying that poverty could.....有何分別?

回答 (2)

2013-10-08 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The verb "accuse" is usually used with "of" in the following pattern:
Someone "accused" another person "of" doing something (wrong).

In this sentence, "of" is the preposition that works with "accused", to identify that the subject of the noun clause "saying that poverty could not be completely eradicated." is Mr Leung.

Without the "of", the subject of the noun clause "saying that poverty coiuld not be completely eradicated" is Mr Lee, and that Mr Lee simply accused Mr Leung, but did not specify what the accusation was, and Mr Lee then said poverty could not be copletely eradicated. This is obviously not the intention of the sentence, which states that Mr Lee accused Mr Leung, of saying something inappropriate.
參考: My Past Learning
2013-10-08 6:50 pm
Mr Lee accused someone.
因為accuse這動詞所及的東西可以是人格/行為/說話/等等不同對這人物附屬的性質,句子結構上假如如你問的直接someone saying...之後的句式應該亦要改變為直接講述而不是用第三身的"that"作為記述:
Mr. Lee accused (someone) saying, "Proverty cannot be completely eradicated."

從句子表達的角度,accuse (someone) of "gerund"是格式,例如"gerund"可以是stealing等等已經完成句子了。


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