Talking with an Air Force recruiter?

2013-10-08 2:06 am
I'm a junior in high school and our school is bringing in different recruiters than we can eat lunch with. Its not for a few weeks, but I want to be prepared. What all should I ask him/her about it?

回答 (4)

2013-10-08 2:14 am
which jobs have the safest retainability, many are overmanned and are cutting their numbers, some are in high demand. Most medical jobs are as well as intel jobs. Ask about education benefits and whatever you want answers to
2013-10-08 2:12 am
The most important thing you could ask him is what the eligibility requirements are to join.

The vast majority of those aspiring to join the military do not qualify, so you first need to get an idea if you even qualify before you get into specific questions about the Air Force. There is no point in asking about jobs, benefits, or anything else if you don't even qualify.
2013-10-08 2:09 am
Ask about jobs.... witch are open and witch are closed. Ask about how long it takes from the the time you enlist until you can actually leave for boot camp.
2013-10-08 2:09 am
You're the one that's planning on enlisting. Shouldn't YOU be the one asking him whatever comes to your mind.

I'd be kind of stupid for us to tell you what to ask him, because we could just answer it here.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 21:08:15
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