Need help in English plz( 20p)

2013-10-07 5:38 pm
What does ''myth is told–facts with which everyone is familiar, however marginal their knowledge of the story.'' means??

回答 (2)

2013-10-12 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Translation and Meaning

''myth is told–facts with which everyone is familiar, however marginal their knowledge of the story.''


People exaggerate stories they hear and over time a story with little factual evidence will be taken as a real one and the contents of it taken to have actually happened.

2013-10-12 04:52:21 補充:
Example of myths:
organic food myths有機食品神話
Greek myths希臘神話
2013-10-08 12:36 am
''myth is told–facts with which everyone is familiar, however marginal their knowledge of the story.''



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