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2013-10-07 4:41 am




回答 (3)

2013-10-07 5:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Now the juveniles have more brand-name goods are even better than the community, but there are some young people living in the poorer, because different factors cause the values of the drop reflects young people. Through this research can be obtained from the values that their consumption behavior and attitudes of young people also learned that young people's sources of money.

Youth concept idea is for consumption, consumer product itself will be considered when prices and possible discounts and be made available to giveaway. Consumption are mostly everyday basic overhead, because you need to buy.

Youth's values is not stable, so it is easily affected by outside influences, particularly the influence of family environment and in contact with friends and so on. Effect of naturally vulnerable to these factors when using money, teenagers often want to chase popular with friends, not necessary willing to invest a lot of money.

If indulged too much on consumption of goods, not only spend a lot of money and time, can also affect other issues more. So how to restrain their consumption desire, how to properly use the money, which should learn self management and control.
2013-10-16 3:46 am
http://***** 這家不錯超3A品質,買幾次啦,跟真的一樣。
2013-10-07 6:20 pm

Nowadays,some teenages get used to own brand-named commodities more than others in their community while the rest of them are still considered belonging to the lower stardard of living. According to the research, we can understand their views upon the values of life so as to realize their feelings of behaviors regarding consumption and source of income. As the result,we know their diferences in between as being mentioned above.
From their point of views, teenages have had their own ideas of consumption and that'll help them to consider the commodities regarding sale prices, percentage of discount and free gifts. Generally, their consumption will be based on daily necessities only.
As a matter of fact, their point of views upon the value of life hasn't been firmly established and that'll be directly influenced by outside factors especially family ffairs, friendly relationships, and so on. In order to meet the interests of friends, they have to invest a lot of money without any serious thinking about the details.
If they were addicted to commercial expenses and that'll not only waste a lot of money and time but also induce other problems. Under such conditions, how to keep away from such temptations and to make good use of money should be the ways to learn self management and control as well.

2013-10-07 10:24:46 補充:
Correction: family ffairs should read family affairs
參考: Partly according to”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975

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