I have a horse有幾多個解釋呀?

2013-10-07 3:29 am
I have a horse點解? 有幾多個解釋呀?

回答 (2)

2013-10-07 10:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have a horse. = 我有一匹馬 (or 一木馬)

問題是 horse 除了解 “馬”之外, 有什麼其他解釋 ?
1. 馬 (動物)
2. 木馬, 跳馬 (體操器械)
3. (過時, 俚語) 海洛因 (heroin)
4. 有腳的架
5. 骑兵
6. [美俚語] 粗漢, 笨蛋
7. (國際象棋中的) 馬 (Knight)
8. [美俚語] 一千美元; 碎牛肉
9. [航海] 渡索; 鐵桿
10.[礦] 夾塊, 夾石

字典通常列出頭三個, 還有些解釋是 unprintable 俚語因太粗魯,不宜刊印

Sentence Structure:
I have a horse. 是 present simple tense. ~ in active voice (主動語態)
模式屬于 Subject (主語) + Verb (動詞) + Object (賓語)
I (= 我) 是 subject, 是 pronoun,
have (= 有) 是 main verb, 是 transitive verb, 只有 transitive verb才可以有 object
a (= 一) 是 indefinite article, determiner
horse (= 馬) 是 countable noun
a horse 是 object
參考: Oxford Dictionary; Yahoo Dictionary
2013-10-07 7:38 am
In the sentence "I have a horse to ride.",the phrase to ride is the complement.The complement is used to describe the subject "I".
--a horse to ride is a race horse;;the related adjectives are equestrian, childish hunter, childish toy,; your trouble-maker friends etc.It all depends on the meaning of the noun "horse".
Hope will help u.

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