英文物理問題 四條

2013-10-06 6:30 pm
1. what will be the final velocity of a 5.0 g bullet starting from rest , if a net force 45 n is applied over a distance of 0.8 m?

2A. what is the net force nedded to lift a full grocery sack (weighing 210N)

2B.what is the net force needed to accelerate the grocery sack upward at 1.5 m/s^2

3.A car has a mass of 820 kg. It starts from rest and travels 41 m in 3.0 s.
What is the net force applied to the car?


回答 (1)

2013-10-06 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. what will be the final velocity of a 5.0 g bullet starting from rest , if a net force 45 n is applied over a distance of 0.8 m?

Work done = FS = (45)(0.8) = 36 J

This energy changes to kinetic energy of bullet

36 = (1/2) mV² = (1/2)(5/1000)V²

V = 120 m/s

2A. what is the net force nedded to lift a full grocery sack (weighing 210N)

210 N is needed

2B. what is the net force needed to accelerate the grocery sack upward at 1.5 m/s^2

since F=mg ; 210 = m(10) ; (這裏,我用了 g=10 ,如果有需要改回 9.8 ,自己改啦)

m = 21 kg

The force that needed :

F=ma = (21)(1.5) = 31.5 N

3. A car has a mass of 820 kg. It starts from rest and travels 41 m in 3.0 s. What is the net force applied to the car?

S = ut + (1/2)at²

41 = 0 + (1/2)a(3.0)²

a = 9.111 m/s²

F = ma = (820)(82/9) = 7471 N

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 20:37:31
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