Hello. I am accused of theft. I brought something unpaid home from a supermarket unwittingly. Am I innocent?

2013-10-05 3:38 pm
Hello. I am from the UK and I hope here I can get more replies. thanks. I am accused of theft. I brought something unpaid home from a supermarket unwittingly. I think the cashier was careless that time.

And afterwards I didn't go to pay back the goods. Can anyone tell me if I am innocent because I simply don't know I have the obligations to pay the money back? Is that a reason?

At the time I realised I brought something unpaid home, I thought that if I return the goods, I'll waste my time and transport fares doing so. Also, for an ordinary person, I don't think many guys have the good character to return them.

Please help me. Urgent.

I paid by MasterCard and as usual just didn't look out on the screen. anyway, it's not all my fault, yeah?

. Many people asked why I would be accused after I left the supermarket. The day after, again I went there. I was caught by the security guard and then they played me the CCTV the day before. They compared the CCTV (food, and other stuffs clearly shown) and my payment records(mastercard) and noticed I haven't paid for something. They acused me of appropriates and I am on bail.

Even I myself admits I am guilty but ain't I excusable for this case?
I should have taken it back to the shop but I just didn't think it was worth all my time, my transport fares,etc.
I hadn't done anything to assist my lack of payment and the police don't accuse me of doing something evil inside the supermarket. What they now charge me is I choose not to return the goods when I realised the fact I havn't paid. and they agree to my statement that I realised the fact that I hadn't paid for the items only when I had returned home.

Do you think I can defend myself if I say
1. I was gonna pay for them but I just didn't remember bringing them out from home?
2. I was considering returning them or not? I have to judge whether that worth my time, whether that was my legal onus,ect?
A bit messy, Thank you!

Hey jackie, I have admitted that when I went home, I realised something I didn't pay for. So, can I just say I was gonna pay for them but I just didn't remember bringing them out from home and when I go to the supermarket, I forgot to do the thing I should and am going to do, which is reporting about the lack of payment to the supermarket?

回答 (4)

2013-10-05 3:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
since you did not make it right, yes you committed theft. you DO have a moral and legal obligation to pay for the goods. it does not belong to you and until you pay for it and make the store whole, you are committing theft.

stop being lazy and make things right

"Even I myself admits I am guilty but ain't I excusable for this case? " no, and Ain't isnt a word....you want to at least have a chance if this were to go to court (which you dont have a chance) you might want to speak proper english

"I should have taken it back to the shop but I just didn't think it was worth all my time, my transport fares,etc.." thats not really for you to decide, without punishment.

1. I was gonna pay for them but I just didn't remember bringing them out from home?
2. I was considering returning them or not? I have to judge whether that worth my time, whether that was my legal onus,ect?

1. a judge would laugh at you and slap you with a hefty fine

2. read my response to #1
2013-10-05 10:52 pm
depend what is was ... a tin of peas can be a mistake

a huge steak is not

what is one item or more .. youhide info therefore you probably stole them
2013-10-06 4:21 am
If the cashier didn't notice then its not your fault, I remember a long time ago, over 30 years, I was getting petrol when the pump display stopped but petrol was coming out , I didn't notice for a while, when I got into the kiosk to pay the woman was on the phone, she took my £10 note and gave me the change plus the £10 as well, I didn't notice for 3 or 4 hours, that was long before CCTV camera were everywhere...
2013-10-05 10:45 pm
3. You knew nothing about it until they told you, you presumed the cashier had charged you for the item,
4. It is still in the bag and again you didn't know until they told you,

Good Luck

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