中一science homework~急~

2013-10-05 10:45 pm
1.If the air hole is not closed when lighting the Bunsen Burner,_______________
may occur and you will hear a hissing sound.

2. In summer, the _____________ in Hong Kong can be over 35℃. The symbol '℃' stands for _______________. The reading can be measured by a _____________.

3.The ________ of an object is the space it occupies. It is usually measured in ________centimetre(cm3).

4.Some liquid is poured into a container. The curved liquid surface is called the ___________.

5.We use a triple beam balance or a lever balance to measure__________.


回答 (1)

2013-10-06 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.If the air hole is not closed when lighting the Bunsen Burner, strike back may occur and you will hear a hissing sound.

2. In summer, the temperature in Hong Kong can be over 35℃. The symbol '℃' stands for degree Celsius. The reading can be measured by a thermometer_.

3.The volume of an object is the space it occupies. It is usually measured in cubic_centimetre(cm3).

4.Some liquid is poured into a container. The curved liquid surface is called the menicus.

5.We use a triple beam balance or a lever balance to measure mass.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 01:10:03
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