
2013-10-05 9:58 pm
1.A marketing research company wants to study the spending on lunch for those who work in Central. A sample is obtained by convenience sampling method and the following is the result:


(a)Compile the mean, variance and standard deviation.

(b)Prepare the stem-and-leaf display.

(c)Find the first quartile, the median, and the third quartile.

(d)Describe the shape of the distribution of the data. Explain your answer.



想問mean, variance and standard deviation如果用計算機計,ok?




The shape of data follows normal distribution. Most of the data is within the range 35 - 70 為甚麼是35 - 70不是35 - 68?

回答 (2)

2013-10-05 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) The average is (65 + 35 + ... + 55)/11 = 51.4546

Variance = [(65 - 51.4546)^2 + ... + (55 - 51.4546)^2]/10 = 203.2727

Standard deviation = 14.2574

(b) Stem and Leaf Plot:

StemLeaf35 8 843 6 850 565 8780
(c) First quartile = (38 + 43)/2 = 40.5

Median = 48

Third quartile = (55 + 65)/2 = 60

(d) The shape of data follows normal distribution. Most of the data is within the range 35 - 70.

2013-10-07 00:13:47 補充:
1 我用Excel計算的﹐不過式子是這樣。
2 因為要等距。即第一部份0-35﹐第二部份35-70﹐第三部份70-105
2013-10-07 8:41 am
myisland8132,應該未必係normal,我諗可能答 skew to the right 會安全一點。

因為唔係太 symmetric。

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 17:45:52
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