family straight lines

2013-10-05 7:20 am
Find the equations of two straight lines which are concurrent with the lines 2x-y-8=0 and 4x+y-3=0 and make equal intercepts with the axes.

(p.s 為如果是equal intercepts, slope是否 =1 ?)

THZ for help

我代k= -1/5 計出6x-6y-37=0 when k=-1 2x+2y-5=0 but the answer is 26x+11y=0 and 2x+2y+5=0 只做對了一條........ 26x+11y=0 怎計的

回答 (2)

2013-10-07 7:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I asked my teacher, he said that 'equal intercepts with the axes' means
the required equation passes thru' (a, 0) and (0, a).
So, the solution is :

Let the required equation be
(2x - y - 8) + k(4x + y - 3) = 0
ie (4k + 2)x + (k - 1)y - (3k + 8) = 0
As it passes thru' (a, 0) and (0, a), so
(4k + 2)a - (3k + 8) = 0 ........... (i)
(k - 1)a - (3k + 8) = 0
==> a = (3k + 8)/(k - 1) ........... (ii)
Sub. (ii) into (i), we get
(4k + 2)(3k + 8)/(k - 1) - (3k + 8) = 0
==> (4k + 2)(3k + 8) - (k - 1)(3k + 8) = 0
==> (3k + 8)(4k + 2 - k + 1) = 0
==> k = -8/3 or k = -1

Case k = -8/3, the required equation is :
(2x - y - 8) + (-8/3)(4x + y - 3) = 0
==> 6x - 3y - 24 - 32x - 8y + 24 = 0
==> 26x + 11y = 0

Case k = -1, the required equation is :
(2x - y - 8) - (4x + y - 3) = 0
==> 2x + 2y + 5 = 0

(ps 如果是 equal intercepts, slope = -1, 並不是 1, 但不包括原點, 即 (0, 0))

2013-10-07 11:24:11 補充:
Kwok sir, 你是物理老師嗎?
2013-10-05 7:43 am
(p.s 為如果是equal intercepts, slope是否 =1 ?)

答案 : 是,但也可以是 -1。

所以題目是 Find the equation(s) of two straight lines

2013-10-04 23:51:57 補充:
equations 為 :

2x-y-8=0 ; 4x+y-3=0

2x-y-8 + k(4x+y-3) = 0

(2+4k)x + (k-1)y -11 = 0 ....... (L)

slope = -(2+4k)/(k-1)

當 -(2+4k)/(k-1) = 1

k-1 = -2 -4k

5k = -1 代入 (L) 便可求得方程式

當 -(2+4k)/(k-1) = -1

(2+4k)/(k-1) = 1


3k = -3

k = -1 再代入 (L) 便完成了。

2013-10-04 23:54:21 補充:
Sorry, (L) 應該是 (2+4k)x + (k-1)y -8 - 3k = 0 ....... (L)

2013-10-05 17:08:08 補充:
我再計了一次,結果如下 :

代 k = (-1/5) 入 (L) 得 :

[2+4(-1/5)]x + [(-1/5)-1]y - 8 - 3(-1/5) = 0

[10/5 + (-8/5)]x + [(-1/5) - (5/5)]y - 8 + (3/5) = 0

(2/5)x - (6/5)y - 8 + (3/5) = 0
全式 × 5

2x - 6y - 40 + 3 = 0

2x - 6y - 37 = 0

2013-10-05 17:13:00 補充:
我睇到 ( 26x+11y=0 怎計的 ) 這個答案 有D唔對路,它是通過 origin (0,0) 的,但說它在軸線上形成相同截距 (make equal intercepts with the axes.) 有點那個吧。

2013-10-05 17:18:08 補充:

代 k = (-1/5) 入 (L) 得 :

[2+4(-1/5)]x + [(-1/5)-1]y - 8 - 3(-1/5) = 0

[10/5 + (-4/5)]x + [(-1/5) - (5/5)]y - 8 + (3/5) = 0

(6/5)x - (6/5)y - 8 + (3/5) = 0

6x - 6y - 37 = 0


2013-10-05 17:24:34 補充:
用 6x - 6y - 37 = 0 去和 x 軸及 y 軸解交點,如下 :

當 y = 0,6x=37

x = 37/6

L 在 x軸 過點 ( 37/6,0 ) ; 截距 = 37/6

當 x = 0 ;


-6y = 37

y = -37/6

L 在 y軸 過點 ( 0, -37/6 ) ; | 截距 | = 37/6

我覺得 6x - 6y - 37 = 0 才是正確的。

2013-10-07 19:25:38 補充:
多謝樓下的 (那些年),使我再仔細去想這個問題,截距是應該分正負的,所以直線過 (a, 0) 和 (0, a) 是形成相同截距,截距=a。斜率 = -1。

直線過 (-a,0) 和 (0,-a)也形成相同截距,截距=-a。斜率 = -1。

直線過 (a,0) 和 (0,-a)形成不相同截距,截距分別為+a和-a。斜率 = +1。

但 26x + 11y = 0 是通過點 (0,0)的,x,y軸上的截距相等,等於0,始終都覺得有點勉強。

請把樓下選為 [最佳回答] 吧!

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